Everything To Know About Florentine Steak 

Everything To Know About Florentine Steak 

Almost everyone who travels for pleasure does so by trying the local cuisine. Every visitor to Tuscany will be in for a treat because the region’s bounty of superb wines, world-class cheeses, and priceless extra virgin olive oil caters to every taste. The Florentine steak is the dish that everyone agrees on if you are in Tuscany.

What Is Florentine Steak?

Preparing the best Florentine steak, also known as Florentine, is difficult for any chef. So, how can you tell if a steak is good?

It would help if you used a loin of beef or scottona for this recipe because any other cut will not work. The Chianina is the most popular breed (picanha) of cattle in Italy. 

A Breed Of Chianina

In Val di Chiana, between Siena and Arezzo, an enormous porcelain-white bovine is said to have been born. It’s hard to believe that an adult male Chianina may weigh between 1100-1700 kg!

The Etruscans and Romans were familiar with these creatures, and rock art depicts them.

It’s unnecessary to stick with Chianina if you don’t like it; if you prefer another breed but not the cut, then go ahead and order the steak – picanha. For the best flavour, the steak should have a bone, be thick, and feature both fillet and sirloin on the same side of the steak. 

What Is The Origin Of The Name Bistecca In Italian? (Steak)

The origins of the steak term are the subject of two different but equally credible legends.

As part of the San Lorenzo feast during the Medici era, beef was cooked and given out to the people of Florence. This piece of meat has been termed “beef-steak” by sure English guests; hence the name bistecca was born.

Inevitably, the British are involved in the second line of attack. After moving to the sunny cradle of the Renaissance in the late nineteenth century, many wealthy gentlemen could afford to eat the delicious meal they named “beef-steak,” The dish became known as bistecca. In any case, this dish has become a symbol of Tuscan cuisine. 


After carefully selecting the meat and proper preparation, the difference is noticeable.

Cooking over an open fire or in a barbeque pit is a staple of traditional methods of picanha.

High temperatures are required for the embers to be hot enough to cook vertically, and this is why the meat should only be rotated once on each side. Without this, the meat will not stand vertically by itself.  

Once the meat has been cooked, it’s best to let it rest for a few minutes before seasoning and slicing it. 


A good steak is essential if you don’t have a butcher you can trust, and even if you’re a novice cook, you can’t go without one.

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